“The mental relaxation techniques we used together helped me to focus and meditate during the contractions, I only pushed for 30 minutes.”

“Knowledge is power and knowing what to expect and having Ann there to explain things really helped me deal with all those “unexpected’s.”

“During labor we used massage, music, aromatherapy, it was just what I wanted.”

“Ann was wonderful, an amazing experience! She helped my daughter and all of us so much. She was so reassuring and helped us know how to help. I’m deeply grateful.”

“Ann made everything feel so at ease. I would recommend her for anyone that wants to have a smooth delivery!”

“What Ann did for me was incredible. It’s definitely her calling ~ like a ministry. I’ll always be grateful for this experience and for her help in making it so beautiful.”

 “The classes are rejuvenating and always filled with smiles”

“Ann is incredible… I honestly think that I couldn’t have done it (give birth) the way I wanted to with out her help and existence! She’s amazing and a great resource for a pregnant woman and a great friend, too.”

“Ann was wonderful during our birth experience – may she continue to bless lots of births!”

“I HIGHLY recommend the Couples Toolbox Workshop! The fabulous baby whisperer, Ann Carroll, was our doula and helped to ensure that our baby boy arrived into this world safely and peacefully. My husband and I will be forever grateful for her presence in our lives. She is so wise and has a wealth of knowledge to humbly share with expecting parent(s)-to-be!!!!