Integral Hatha Yoga®
is the training that Ann Carroll completed. This practice incorporates the physical postures (asanas), deep relaxation, breath control (pranayama), cleansing processes (kriyas) and mental concentration to create a supple, relaxed body, increased vitality, radiant health and help in curing illnesses. Sri Swami Satchidananda brought the teaching of Integral Hatha Yoga® to this country, learning these teachings from Sri Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, India. Integral Hatha Yoga® is available to everyone, regardless of age or physical abilities. There is no requirement to be able to sit in a crossed leg position or twist yourself into a pretzel.
The goal of the Integral Hatha Yogi is to have an easeful body, a peaceful mind and a useful life. It is the birthright of every individual to realize the spiritual unity behind all the diversity in the entire creation and to live harmoniously as members of one universal family.
The Integral Hatha Yoga® class is a traditional, meditative style of yoga class. The Integral Hatha Yoga® class incorporates a fifteen minute deep relaxation, breathing practices and a short meditation at the end of the asana practice. The student leaves the class feeling relaxed yet energized with a sense of peace that carries through into the rest of the day and with practice, into their daily lives.
This style of yoga is perfect for all levels. Please join us for an experience of yoga, meditation and relaxation that will nourish your soul. Both group and private sessions are available.
Pregnancy Yoga
in Knoxville, TN & Savannah, GA
Pregnancy is a rollercoaster time where your body makes so many changes as it miraculously grows a baby. Pregnancy yoga helps mentally, physically and spiritually with all the accompanying ups & (sometimes) downs of pregnancy. Having the continuity & community of pregnant mamas is one of the best ways to ride the waves. Taught by a teacher of (pregnancy yoga) teachers who is also a birth doula, childbirth educator and hypnobirthing instructor - knowledge that she sprinkles in throughout the classes. You may wish to bring your own mat, but other props are provided and mats are available if you do not have one of your own. Please go to the Class Schedule to see class offerings.